Thanksgiving went swimmingly, we ate right and exercised. Black Friday, on the other hand, went horribly wrong. Got up, so proud about the previous day, only feeling a need for fiber and coffee. I think I went wrong by spending too much time playing with my new laptop, and not enough time doing my daily exercise or resetting my kitchen(I still haven't done a dish since before thanksgiving dinner). I had Kashi Go Lean Crunch with milk for breakfast, then when lunchtime rolled around my daughter pried me from the computer and I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on multi-grain bread.-Today I finally read that two tablespoons of peanut better have about 25% daily value of fat. Sure, I did get some things done yesterday, the goal was to do as little as possible, taking a rest day as a reward for doing so well on Thanksgiving. Shortly after lunch we went on a mission to get new drapes, by the time we had finished at Home Depot, we were absolutely starving. I'm not gonna tell you what we ate, because it was bad, but it could have been worse and my body insisted that it needed everything I gave it- and I didn't have any soda.
Right now, before my toddler wakes up, I think I need to get yeserdays scheduled workout in. All isn't lost. Nobody is perfect, especially not me. Here's do doing my best and forgetting the rest!
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